sobota, 3 października 2009

spacerek jesienny / autumn walk

cos jakby się ruszylo. Julia dzisiaj pozowala. spodobal jej sie chyba fotel i czula sie troche jak ksiezniczka (jestesm na etapie Spiacej Krolewny, i ona oczywiscie jest krolewna :) ) troche ja pomeczylam, troche poszantazowalam zelkami dzdzownicami i w ogole super sie bawilysmy! oto moja julia kochana!

Julia is growing up :) she actually was eager to pose for me today! I guess she must have felt like a princess in this chair :) well, we are in the Sleeping Beauty phase and she actually says she is a princess :)) of course i had to bribe her with jelly bears but we had a great time, just two of us. Love her so much!

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